About Us

Geoidsoft Inc. 是一家位于渥太华, 由钟德堂搏士于 2016 年创立的公司。 钟搏士是一位大地测量师,原本想在失业时利用自己在大地测量学方面的专业知识,开发一个用于大地水准面建模和计算的软件包。 因此,他将公司命名为 Geoidsoft。 后来, 在 2017 年,他找到了一份遥感科学研究方面的新工作,该计划就停止了。

近年来,投资产品越来越丰富。 各大证券公司也积极推出多种便捷的自助交易平台。 与银行或交易代理等传统投资渠道相比,普通投资者可以享受快速简单的股票交易。

但与此同时,面对各种视频网站、财经新闻、社交平台、Youtube、Facebook、WeChat等,不同的消息涌向广大投资者的脑海,让他们难以做出正确的判断和 正确的投资决策。

更有甚者,当一般投资者缺乏相关知识和工具的辅助时,其股票交易大多与涨跌节奏背道而驰。 高价买入后套牢的情况时有发生。

鉴于此,同样作为普通个人投资者的钟博士改变了主意。 他想利用自己多年处理数据的经验和对美国股市的深刻理解,帮助普通投资者。 通过保留原来公司的名称 Geoidsoft,他开始收集和开发一些易于使用但对股票交易非常有帮助的特色指标。 他希望这些精心制作的股票分析指标能够帮助到越来越多的普通个人投资者。

这些有特色的股票分析指标直接适用于目前非常流行且免费的富途股票跟踪和交易软件。 将这些指标与富途软件相结合,普通投资者只需支付一次性低廉的费用,即可随时随地通过电脑或移动设备轻松跟踪分析美股。 根据分析,当机会来临时,可以通过券商平台立即交易。 对于日内交易者,以不同交易系统命名的套裝指标包更有利于做出正确的交易决策,避免陷入大笔亏损。

如对这些有特色的股票分析指标感兴趣, 欢迎浏览Geoidsoft.com网页或者唾询钟搏士的Facebook专页和Youtube频道:



如有凝问, 请联系我们!谢谢!

Geoidsoft Inc. is an Ottawa-based company, founded in 2016 by Dr. -Ing. Detang Zhong, a geodesist who originally wanted to develop a software package for geoid modelling and computation with his expertise in Geodesy during his no job time. Hence, he named the company as Geoidsoft. Afterwards, in 2017 he found a new job as remote sensing scientist and the plan stopped.

In recent years, investment products have become more and more abundant. Major securities companies have also actively launched a variety of convenient self-service trading platforms. Compared with traditional investment channels such as banks or trading agents, general investors can enjoy fast and simple stock trading.

But at the same time, in response to various video websites, financial news, social platforms, Youtube, Facebook, WeChat and so on, the different news squeeze into the minds of general investors and make it difficult for them to make a correct investment decision.

And even more, when general investors lack the assistance of related knowledge and tools, most of their stock trades run counter to the rhythm of rising and down. The situation of buying at a high price and then being stuck in happens frequently.

In view of this, Dr. Zhong, also as a general individual investor, has changed his mind. He wants to use his many years of experience in processing data and deep understanding of the U.S. stock market to help ordinary investors. By keeping the company name Geoidsoft, he started to collect and develop some easy-to-use but helpful featured indicators for stock traders. He hope these carefully developed stock analysis indicators can help more and more general individual investors.

These featured indicators are directly applicable with the popular and free Futu stock tracking and trading software. Combining the indicators with the Futu software, ordinary investors can easily track and analyze U.S. stocks through a computer or mobile devices anytime, anywhere by paying for a one-time low fees. According to the analysis, when an opportunity is coming, it can be traded immediately through a securities dealer platform. For day traders, the bounded indicator packages named as different trading systems are more helpful to make a correct trade decision and avoid big losses.

If you are interested in these featured stock analysis indicators, welcome you to browse geoidsoft.com website or visit Dr. Zhong's Facebook page or YouTube channel:

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/geoidsoft

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@geoidsoft

If you have questions, please contact us!Thank you!

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